Mouscedes King
Daughter of the Rat King
I may come from Boo York royalty, but I’m not Upper Beast Side snob. Yes, I’m a rabid shopper with a talent for finding all the best sales, but what really gets my tail tapping is a beat I can dance to and furrrocious friends by my side.
Age: 15
Freaky Flaw: I’m a rat ghoul who is lactose intolerant – which sounds like some kind of cheesy joke. I try not to be a pest, but I can’t help it if I need to order my extra-cream, extra-whip no-dairy latte: substitute soy, hold the cream and easy on the foam.
Favorite Food: A nice sharp cheddar rice cheese always hits the spot!
Favorite Activity: Any kind of dancing. Even my tail has some monster moves.
Killer Style: Total Upper Beast Side!
Pet: I’d like to have a pet someday. Maybe something tiny and cute that I can carry in my purse.
Pet Peeve: The stigma against us rats, which is based on scary-tails. I used to be embarrassed to be the Rat King’s daughter, but now I know that being a monster princess totes rules!