Monster High Generation 1 Robecca Steam

Robecca Steam

Daughter of a Mad Scientist

I’m afraid I got so steamed up at SKRM practice that steam came streaming out my ears.

Age: 116

Freaky Flaw: My internal clock does not properly function, and I seem to always arrive late. It seems not to matter how many alarms I set or watches I wear; nothing helps. Good thing I have a permanent mechanics excuse in the Headmistress’ office.

Favorite Food: Even though I do not require traditional food, I am fond of ginger tea.

Favorite Activity: I am quite the scaredevil, and I delight in using my rocket boots to do stunts and tricks that make other monsters stop what they are doing to watch me perform.

Killer Style: I would have described my style as rather old-fashioned in this current time although I have been recently informed that it was totally “steam punk” and quite “cutting edge.” This is a relief as no monster wishes to be thought of as dull.

Pet: Captain Penny is my mechanical penguin. Working wings are unnecessary when one is equipped with a rocket pack.

Pet Peeve: Rain



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