The Signature Series of Monster High dolls features the dolls in their standard “signature” character outfits. These dolls do not officially have a series name, and have gone by many names over the years due to not having an official name. Some people refer to the dolls in “Waves”, which refers to the timing of the release of the dolls, since they were produced and subsequently sold in groups or sets of characters.
Wave 1, released in 2010, contains 8 dolls and is often referred to as the “Basic” doll line.
Wave 2, released in 2011, contains 8 dolls and is often referred to as “School’s Out” by fans to distinguish it from Wave 1.
Wave 3, released in late 2011 / early 2012, contains 7 dolls is often referred to as “Campus Stroll”, which was inspired by the tagline on the Wolf Sisters 2-Pack.
Wave 4, released in 2012, contains 4 dolls is referred to as “Between Classes”.
More info to be added soon including box variants!

Wave 1 – Basic (2010)
Wave 1: Exclusives

Wave 2 – School’s Out (2011)

Wave 3 – Campus Stroll (2011-2012)