Monster High Generation 1 Sweet 1600 Draculaura

BrandMonster High
SeriesSweet 1600
Release Year2011, re-released in 2013
Retail CostOriginal Release: $22.99 USD / Re-release Price: $?? USD
Hair TypeSaran with tinsel, only saran in rerelease
Collect item (180)

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Product Information

The Sweet 1600 Draculaura doll was originally released in 2011 in a large box with assorted accessories, including a purse, a party invitation, a skullette key that would unlock a virtual invitation on the user’s smartphone, a tiered birthday cake, and an extra skirt.

The doll was rereleased in 2013 as a Walmart exclusive in a smaller box with some notable changes. The rerelease lacked most of the original’s accessories, and significant parts of the doll were changed–her hair lacked tinsel and was pinker than before, her makeup was altered, her shoes were re-colored, the colors on her dress were brighter, and her purse was completely redesigned.

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