Render of Abbey Bominable from the Animated Series

Abbey Bominable

Abbey Bominable is a 16 year old Yeti who in the animated series had previously been living in Mount Neverest. Her Monster Pet is Tundra.

She is portrayed by Nasiv Sall in the Live Action Movies and her voice actor in the English version of the animated series is Aishwarya Pillai.


Concept Art

cristina.faline‘s first iteration design for mattel on the left, original g1 Abbey Bominable’s design on the top right, and Abbey Bominable from the nickelodeon animated series on the bottom left.

Alternate experimental concept art of Abbey aswell as accessories and Tundra Design by cristina.faline

Known Artists and Designers

cristina.faline – Mattel Concept Artist and Designer of her Signature Design
carr0ll_j0hnny – Mattel Design Partner / Hair Stylist 
Sean Olmos – Doll Sculptor

Sources and Designer Notes

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