Frankie’s Day Out

Character | Frankie Stein |
Articulation | Head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hip, and knees (11 points) |
Hair | Saran |
Brand | Monster High |
Company | Mattel |
Series | Day Out |
Retail Price | 17.99 USD |
Exclusive | Discount Stores and Entertainment Earth |
Release date | Late Fall 2022 |

User submitted posts
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Product Information
“Frankie Stein doll is ready for a day out with the ghouls! This Monster High student radiates high voltage vibes in a scary-cute look featuring a statement handbag and two storytelling pieces. Frankie Stein looks positively voltageous in a plaid shirtdress with lightning bolt accents. A belt with hardware details and chunky pink platform sneakers add fashionably fearsome touches. A bespoke handbag with lightning bolt stitching, colorful barrettes and chunky jewelry complete their electrifying ensemble! Frankie Stein can’t run on electricity alone! Luckily they have a lightning-shaped slice of pizza and zip sip drink to jolt down before they bolt to meet up with the ghouls. They are ready to strike a stylish pose anytime, anywhere with 11 points of articulation!” -Entertainment Earth
I found mine at my local Fry’s. If anyone is struggling to find these. I don’t think they are at most though.