Render of Heath Burns from the Animated Series

Heath Burns

Heath Burns is a fire elemental, and his father is referred to both as “Hades” and “The Devil”. His hair is fire and when stressed can catch things on fire. 

“Temperamental and passionate as the son of Hades would be, Heath is quite literally a hot head who can get worked up over anything and is prone to fiery outbursts.” – Animated voice cast reveal

“A fun-loving fire elemental, Heath wears his heart on his sleeve. Fiery and passionate, he’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes in—whether it’s being a vocal advocate for the environment, or caring for his friends.” – Nick site’s animated series character description

he is portrayed by Justin Derickson in the live action movies, and his voice actor in the English version of the animated series is Alexander Polinsky.


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