Signature Venus McFlytrap

Character | Venus McFlytrap |
Articulation | Head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hip, knees, and chest (12 points) |
Hair | Yarn |
Pet | Chewlian |
Brand | Monster High |
Company | Mattel |
Series | Signature |
Retail Price | 24.99 USD |
Release date | Early 2024 |

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venus mcflytrap g3 repaint
repaint of g3 venus mcflytrap

So far best G3 design! 💚 I love it! It makes sense and it’s pretty! 💚
She is literally so pretty! Her hair and the vine details on her skin are gorgeous and I think she’s even cuter than her g1 version. I can’t wait to get her!
Absolutely love this doll! She’s a real beauty~
Are the vines on her shoes removable? Asking because I want to repaint her shoes but don’t have the doll
I assume so, as I’ve seen plenty of ebay listings where the shoes are without vines.
I just got her, and they are removable
She’s so beautiful!!! <3