Mooshka 23 inch Niva

BirthdayJanuary 23rd
Release year2014
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$29.99
Scale23 inch

One day a group of paper doll friends joined hands and through the power of friendship they sprung into sweet, huggable girls called Mooshka! Mooshka Soft Dolls are made of unique soft fabric and are machine washable! Larger 23 inch doll gives you more Mooshka to love. Each one has special details that make her unique. Dolls are dressed in adorable fashion, from a flower bracelet to a bow headband. Download the e-books on the App Store and Google Play.

Niva loves to write. Poems and songs and letters to her best friends, Niva is all about words. Her birthday is January 23rd.

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