Mooshka Sing Around the Rosie Lera

BirthdayJuly 27th
Release year2013
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$24.99
Scale15 inch
MaterialPlush (with singing mechanism)

Mooshka were once paper dolls, until one day they joined hands and through the power of friendship they became sweet, huggable girls! Lera loves to collect things. From seashells to different colored ribbons, she keeps all her collections under her bed. Her birthday is July 27th. Join hands with Sing Around the Rosie Lera to hear her sing!

  • Cute Mooshka dolls for girls ages 2 and up are soft rag dolls that little girls love to play with
  • All of the adorable, huggable Mooshka rag dolls come with paper doll chains, a giftable box, and even free paper craft downloads and a free interactive ebook
  • Doll sings “Ring-Around-the-Rosie” when you hold her hands
  • Ask friends to join and hold hands to make a circle to hear your doll sing
  • Package easily becomes a gift box; 15″ huggable size
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