Moxie Girlz

Moxie Girlz was a doll line manufactured by the American toy company MGA Entertainment. The line was introduced in 2009 during a period where MGA’s successful Bratz line was embroiled in legal trouble – though according to MGA, Moxie Girlz was not intended to replace Bratz but rather “give girls another fashion doll brand that could re-engage them in a way that’s relevant to them”. Regardless, numerous scrapped Bratz designs for 2009 were retrofitted for release as Moxie Girlz.

The dolls stood at 10 inch dolls and featured a more youthful screening and more conservative fashions compared to Bratz. The line launched with four core characters: Avery, Lexa, Sophina and Sasha, the latter of which was named after the Bratz character of the same name. In early 2010, Sasha would be replaced by Bria as the fourth core Moxie Girl. Later in 2010, Bratz would return to the market with new releases, but Moxie Girlz would coexist alongside the new Bratz. 2010 also saw the launch of Moxie Teenz, a spin-off featuring different bodies and proportions to the Girlz.

In 2011, MGA designer Melissa Boock was put in charge of Moxie Girlz, aiming to position the line as “more creatively driven and sweeter than Bratz”. The line would continue with consistent releases over the next few years until 2015, when the final Moxie Girlz would release.


Official doll imagery

Official artwork

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Official videos

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User submitted videos

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