Moxie Girlz Art Titude Color Me Car

One version of this car was packaged in a bundle set with an exclusive Art-Titude Wave 3 Ida doll.
BrandMoxie Girlz
Release year2014
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$24.99 (solo), $29.99 (bundle with Ida)
Bundled withArt-Titude Wave 3 Ida (select releases)

Help the Moxie Girlz add some Art-titude to their ColorMe Car. The ColorMe Car is kitted out with a sound system and has enough space for two Moxie Girlz Dolls (sold separately). However, it could do with your magical touch! Use the washable marker pen to fill in the flower designs and bring this Moxie vehicle to eye-catching life! Don’t worry if you make a mistake or get bored of your design either as the marker’s very easy to wash off. The Moxie Girlz are bound to turn heads in their colourful car!

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