Moxie Girlz Art Titude Wave 1 Avery

BrandMoxie Girlz
Release year2009
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $19.99
Body5 points of articulation

The Moxie Girlz™ Art-titude doll pack encourages creativity and individuality through self expression. Customisation and drawing brings out each girls own individual style! Simply by using the coloured pens, you can create a style that you like or a style that fits in with each Moxie Girlz’ character.

  • Funky second outfit!
  • Big city fashion accessories including cool bike
  • Create art on fashions and bike with 2 markers included!
  • The Moxie Girlz know that Art-titude is all about showing who you are in everything you do
  • Each Moxie Girlz finds her inspiration in a different place.
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