Moxie Girlz Magic Hair Makeover Torso Wave 2 Avery

BrandMoxie Girlz
Release year2010
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$29.99
Body sculptSculpt 2 (flower base)

Be true! Be you! With Moxie Girlz magic hair makeover! This stunning styling head includes the doll’s full Torso and arms for an even more glam makeover. The 4-in-1 styling allows you to brush her hair, style in fabulous styles, streak The hair with 3 included hair color creams, apply hair glitter for extra sparkle, and even nail polish to paint her nails. All the cosmetics wash away easily with water, and her hair is washable, so you can style Her again and again! Her hair color, hair glitter and nail polish can all be used for For you, too! Each Moxie Girlz magic hair makeover includes 1 styling doll with real, brushable hair and nails you can paint, a hair brush, a hair streaker tool, 3 hair color creams, 1 hair glitter wand, and 1 nail Polish.

  • Moxie Girlz Magic hair makeover includes hair color, hair glitter and nail polish for the ultimate makeover.
  • 4-In-1 styling – brush, style, hair Streak color, hair glitter and even nail polish.
  • Use hair color, glitter and nail polish for you, too!
  • Cosmetics wash away easily with water, so you can style her hair again and again!
  • Includes brush, hair streaker, 3 hair color creams, 1 hair glitter wand, and 1 nail Polish.
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