Moxie Girlz Poopsy Pets Wave 2 Lexa

BrandMoxie Girlz
Release year2014
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $19.99
Body5 points of articulation

Moxie Girlz™ are all about imagination, creativity and everyday adventures with friends. With individuality and confidence, they show it with their own unique styles! Be true, Be you! The Moxie Girlz™ are living in a fun, fantasy world, along with their very own whimsical pets. Join them on an imaginative adventure complete with magic poop, so cute! Nurture the fantasy pets, and they will poop something fun and unique! Lexa™ has a pet elephant who poops peanuts! Each doll set comes with fashion doll, fantasy pet, leash and magical poop!

  • Lexa™ has a pet elephant who poops peanuts!
  • Pet really poops something fun, unique to each pet!
  • Nurture the pet by feeding it
  • Doll and pet have whimsical fashion
  • Includes doll, pet, leash and magical poop
  • Bonus! Doll can really sit and stand on her own, no doll stand required!
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