Moxie Girlz Princess Ice Castle

This playset was released both separately and in a bundle with two dolls – one in a Pink and Blue Dress and another in a Yellow Rose Dress. The playset was also released in both Moxie Girlz and Storytime Princess branding.
BrandMoxie Girlz
Release year2015
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Collective retail price$49.99 (bundle version)
Bundled withPrincess in Pink and Blue Dress and Princess in Yellow Rose Dress (select versions)

Moxie Girlz Princess Ice Castle Dollhouse is a beautiful castle with 4 rooms for your dolls to play in an entrance hall, a living room, a bed room and a dressing room. The Ice Castle is the perfect place for the Moxie Girlz Princess dolls to live out their magical fairy tale dreams!

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