Moxie Girlz Sophina

Sophina is one of the principal characters in Moxie Girlz, introduced in the line’s 2009 releases.

Sophina is warm, thoughtful, and caring. She loves the world around her: she enjoys traveling, camping, soccer, and hiking, and then writing stories and songs about her adventures. She has a photographic memory. She is also a graceful dancer, especially in ballet. She dreams of becoming a famous songwriter. Sophina always thinks about the world around her and believes that everyone can, if they really want to, make a difference.

She has dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned olive skin, and was part of most Moxie Girlz lines, though in some later lines she would be substituted with Lexa due to their similar hair colours. A few later versions of Sophina featured a warmer, slightly darker tan.








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