Prettie Girls! Dahlia

Back of Box info:
Fave Childhood Memory: Playing with my favorite baby doll.
I’m Amazing At: Making my friends laugh.
I Love: Sunshine, playing board games and my garden.
I’m PRETTIE Because: I love to care for and rescue animals.
Character | Dahlia |
Brand | Prettie Girls |
Company | One World Doll Project |
Release Date | 2014 |
Persona | The Funny Girl |
Character Origin | New Delhi, India |
Designer(s) | Stacey McBride-Irby |
Face Sculpt | TM / ©2011 OWD |
Body | 10 points of articulation |
UPC | 859429004041 |
Retail Price | $24.95 USD |
“You can always count on Dahlia for a good, belly aching laugh! With an energy that is electric, Dahlia is a natural born comedian, and loves being the center-of-attention. With her brilliant mind and quick-wit, she is loved by all, especially by her cute puppy, Chance, that she rescued.
Through her humorous and caring spirit, she is good at encouraging her friends to volunteer their time, skills & allowance money to give back to their communities. Although she is gentle and caring in nature, she is a beast when it comes to saving the planet! Are you recycling?” –

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