Prettie Girls! Lena

Back of Box info:
Fave Childhood Memory: Summer cheerleading camp.
I’m Amazing At: Getting the job done.
I Love: Reading and the color red.
I’m PRETTIE Because: I always have a positive attitude.
Character | Lena |
Brand | Prettie Girls |
Company | One World Doll Project |
Release Date | October 2013 |
Persona | The Business Girl |
Character Origin | Charlotte, NC |
Designer(s) | Stacey McBride-Irby |
Face Sculpt | TM / ©2011 OWD |
Body | 10 points of articulation |
UPC | 859429004010 |
Retail Price | $24.95 USD |
“Lena is fun, fresh, confident, exciting and has made being smart cool! Her friends call her “The Wiz Kid” because whatever she puts her mind to, she will come out on top! A straight A student, spelling bee champ, and top fundraiser on the cheerleading squad, Lena always finds time to help her friends with their homework & class projects. Setting goals is key, next move: Class President.
An up and coming entrepreneur, you better believe the next big invention will be Lena’s!” –

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