Prettie Girls! Valencia

Character | Valencia |
Brand | Prettie Girls |
Company | One World Doll Project |
Release Date | October 2013 |
Persona | The Athletic Girl |
Character Origin | Mexico City, Mexico |
Designer(s) | Stacey McBride-Irby |
Face Sculpt | TM / ©2011 OWD |
Body | 10 points of articulation |
UPC | 859429004034 |
Retail Price | $24.95 USD |
“Bold and daring, loving life is Valencia’s claim to fame! As a part of her passion for life, Valencia is all about working out and eating right! The athletic one is always focused on being her best self. Whenever you are around Valencia, be ready to move! She’s a party all by herself! To be around her is so much fun because she is always moving and grooving to the hottest song, as a way to stay fit.
She loves watching cooking shows to test her healthy “meals skills” on her friends. With her fun way of cooking healthy foods along with her exciting exercise tips, you can almost smell her own show coming to a network near you!” –

January 17th 2024
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