Prettie Girls! Vivica A. Fox Collectors Doll

Character | Vivica A. Fox |
Brand | Prettie Girls |
Company | One World Doll Project |
Release Date | N/A |
Designer(s) | Stacey McBride-Irby |
Face Sculpt | Vivica A. Fox Celebrity Face Mold |
Body | N/A |
UPC | N/A |
Retail Price | N/A |
The One World Doll Project To Release Collectors Doll With Vivica A. Fox
“ONE WORLD HOLDINGS, INC. – Houston, Texas – January 15, 2015. The One World Doll Project, a subsidiary of One World Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: OWOO), announced today that their first celebrity collectors doll of 2015 will be The Vivica A. Fox Prettie Girls! Collectors Doll.
“I am so excited to be working with The One World Doll Project on the Vivica A. Fox Prettie Girls Collector Doll,” says Ms. Fox. “The One World Doll Project and the Prettie Girls! dolls for all of America’s children, creating realistic representations of today’s kids, including African American, Latina and South Asian communities, and I am honored to be associated with this progressive company.”
Fox is currently starring in the latest season of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, which debuted on January 4 and is best known for her role in the films Kill Bill, Independence Day and Soul Food.
“There are so many things about Vivica A. Fox that make her the perfect celebrity for us to team up with. She is one of the most well-known and respected actresses in Hollywood and we truly fortunate that she has personally and passionately connected with The One World mission to empower and inspire girls across the globe,” says Trent T. Daniel, Founder of the One World Doll Project. “During the course of 2015, Ms. Fox and the One World team will be working hand in hand to bring even more attention and popularity to the fast growing Prettie Girls! brand,” Daniel added.” –

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