Project Mc² Budget Deluxe Wave 1 Adrienne’s Volcano

BrandProject Mc²
CharacterAdrienne Attoms
Doll typeDoll with Experiment (Budget Version)
Included experimentVolcano
Release dateMid-2016
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $15
Body11 points of articulation, removable lower legs with high-heeled feet
This doll is a paired-down version of Deluxe Wave 1 Adrienne’s Volcano which was sold in discount stores. The specific differences include: painted eyes as opposed to the original’s inset eyes, a simplified hairstyle and the absence of the doll’s headband, flask accessory, comb and stand.
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Wanna learn how to do Adrienne’s Volcano experiment? We’ve got all the details you need:

What you’ll need for this experiment:

  • Volcano apparatus and pipette from Adrienne’s Volcano set
  • Bakingsoda
  • Tablespoon
  • Food colouring
  • Vinegar
  • Plate
  • Dish soap

Let’s begin!

  1. Place the volcano on a plate.
  2. Add one tablespoon of baking soda into the volcano.
  3. Add two drops of food colouring into the volcano.
  4. Add two drops of dish soap into the volcano
  5. Insert your clean pipette into a bottle of vinegar. Gently squeeze the top of the pipette and release to fill it up.
  6. Squeeze the vinegar into the volcano.
  7. Watch as the volcano bubbles over like a real eruption!
Watch the video demo of Adrienne’s Volcano experiment hosted by Victoria Vida!

Important information:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after playing.
  • Stand back from the volcano after adding the vinegar. DO NOT stand over the opening of the volcano as it erupts.
  • Thoroughly rinse the volcano and pipette with water and mild dish soap. DO NOT use a dishwasher to clean items in this playset. Air Dry only.

These instructions have been lifted near-directly from the doll’s original manual. Please take care when attempting experiments and be sure to prepare your surroundings for any possible stains or mess.

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