Project Mc² Deluxe Wave 2 Camryn’s Robot

BrandProject Mc²
CharacterCamryn Coyle
Doll typeDoll with Experiment
Included experimentWind-Up Robot
Release dateJanuary 2016
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $24.99
Body11 points of articulation, removable lower legs with flat feet

Now you can perform an experiment at home with construction queen, Camryn Coyle. Make your own wind-up pet robot just using household ingredients like a strawberry or marshmallow. Wind-up toys are all about energy. When you turn the key on your robot’s base, a thin, coiled strip of metal called a mainspring gets tighter and tighter and squeezes into a smaller and smaller space, storing energy. Once you let go of the key, the potential energy stored up in the mainspring turns into kinetic energy. The connected gears and axles rotate, making your robot zoom!

  • Premium, articulated Camryn doll, dressed in her undercover spy outfit that reflects her individual style. Her gloved hands make sure she leaves no fingerprints behind. So many rockin’ details!
  • Includes a fun science activity: wind-up robot base and fun facial feature decorations to experiment again and again
  • Household ingredients not included
  • Accessories for the doll include: hat, spy disguise glasses, toolbox and beaker-shaped comb
  • Ages: 6+ years
Collect item (14)

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Wanna learn how to do Camryn’s Robot experiment? We’ve got all the details you need:

What you’ll need for this experiment:

  • Robot base and facial pieces from Camryn’s Robot set:
    • Two ears
    • Two eyes
    • Whiskers
  • Strawberry (or similarly sized food object)

Let’s begin!

  1. Press a strawberry sideways onto the four pegs of the robot base, with the stem facing the back.
  2. Press the included accessories into the strawberry for decoration.
  3. Wind up the base and watch your strawberry robot zoom away!

Tips and tricks:

  • Don’t forget to save all included accessories when you’re done, to experiment again and again! Next time, why not try using a marshmallow or a pickle?
Watch the video demo of Camryn’s Robot experiment hosted by Ysa Penarejo!

Important information:

  • Always remove the strawberry or other food item from the robot base after playing and before storing.
  • Do not eat the food after it has been removed from the robot base.
  • Use a damp paper towel to remove excess food from the robot base after removing the food. Air dry only.

These instructions have been lifted near-directly from the doll’s original manual. Please take care when attempting experiments and be sure to prepare your surroundings for any possible stains or mess.

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