Project Mc² Deluxe Wave 3 Ember’s Garden

BrandProject Mc²
CharacterEmber Evergreen
Doll typeDoll with Experiment
Included experimentHanging Garden
Release dateJuly 2016
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $24.99
Body11 points of articulation, removable lower legs with high-heeled feet

Project Mc2™ is a team of four super-smart and seriously cool girls who use their love of science and their spy skills as they go on missions for secret organization, NOV8™ (that’s “innovate”!). And now there are two new recruits! They’re real girls with real skills ready to take on anything. Watch new episodes of the Project Mc2 original series, only on Netflix! Now you can perform an experiment at home with earthy scientist and newest member of Project Mc2, Ember Evergreen™. Make your own hanging garden using safe household ingredients like soil and plant seeds. There’s science to gardening. Your clear container, called a terrarium, is like an aquarium for plants. It’s a mini-world in there! The plants inside need less water because the container helps trap moisture. Some of the water in the terrarium is reused through a three-step water cycle — (1) water evaporates, (2) water vapor cools to make droplets when it touches the container, (3) water droplets drip back down to the plant.

  • Premium, articulated Ember doll, dressed in a totally cool outfit that reflects her personality and individual style. Look closely, so many cute details!
  • Accessories for the doll include: personalized backpack and beaker shaped comb
  • Also includes fun science activity: terrarium with stand to experiment again and again
  • Household ingredients not included
  • Doll is 11.75 inches tall
  • Ages: 6 Plus years
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Wanna learn how to do Ember’s Garden experiment? We’ve got all the details you need:

What you’ll need for this experiment:

  • Terrarium (with supportive post and base) and pipette from Ember’s Garden set
  • Water
  • Succulent Potting Soil
  • Small pebbles
  • Activated Charcoal
  • Sheet Moss
  • Plant seeds
  • White sand (optional)

Let’s begin!

  1. Hook the terrarium post through the loop atop the terrarium. Then, stick the post into the base
  2. Place pebbles on the terrarium floor. Add activated charcoal on top and then add a laver of sheet moss. Then, add sand if you’re growing a succulent. Push soil to the back to prevent spillage out of the opening.
  3. Make a dent in the soil and insert one plant seed. Cover roots with surrounding soil and sand.
Watch the video demo of Ember’s Garden experiment hosted by Belle Shouse!

Important information:

  • To water your plant, insert the clean pipette into a cup of water. Gently squeeze the top of the pipette and release to fill it up. Then, insert the pipette into the terrarium near the soil and squeeze to release water.
  • Only water the terrarium when the soil is dry, about once every two weeks. DO NOT over water.
  • Keep the terrarium in a bright area with exposure to sunlight.

These instructions have been lifted near-directly from the doll’s original manual. Please take care when attempting experiments and be sure to prepare your surroundings for any possible stains or mess.

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