Project Mc² Deluxe Wave 6 McKeyla’s Cocoa Bronzer

BrandProject Mc²
CharacterMcKeyla McAlister
Doll typeDoll with Experiment
Included experimentCocoa Bronzer
Release dateJanuary 2018
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $24.99
Body11 points of articulation, removable lower legs with high-heeled feet

Project Mc2 is a team of super-smart and seriously cool girls who use their love of science and their spy skills as they go on missions for the secret organization, NOV8 (that’s innovate!”). they’re real girls with real skills ready to take on anything. Watch new episodes of the Project Mc2 original series, only on Netflix! Meet McKeyla McAlister, Project Mc2 leader! She’s a writer, hipster, undercover spy. When she’s not journaling, she’s probably reading a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novel, performing magic tricks, or trying to save the world. Now you can perform a cool S.T.E.A.M. Experiment at home just like Project Mc2 leader, McKeyla McAlister. Make your own cocoa bronzer using household items again and again. About the experiment: humans discovered the recipe for chocolate almost 2, 000 years ago, but cocoa powder (the basis of chocolate) wasn’t invented until 1828. cocoa powder comes from cacao beans, but it can also be used to make your own bronzer! To create your own cocoa bronzer, start by mixing cocoa powder with nutmeg and coconut oil. Then, add the mixture into the bronzer case and use the puff to apply to your cheeks! experiment with different measurements for endless combinations!

  • As seen in the Emmy nominated Netflix original series these girls are ready to rock out on their next secret spy mission. Going undercover never looked so rock and roll!
  • Fully articulated premium McKeyla McAlister doll is dressed in a burgundy moto style jacket with faux fur shoulders, sequin dress, and signature plaid shirt tied around her waist
  • Includes a fun science activity: make cocoa bronzer an and an with household items and included palette
  • Household items not included
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Wanna learn how to do McKeyla’s Cocoa Bronzer experiment? We’ve got all the details you need:

What you’ll need for this experiment:

  • Bronzer compact and foam applicator from McKeyla’s Cocoa Bronzer set
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Coconut oil
  • Ground nutmeg (optional)
  • Microwave-safe bowl
  • Teaspoon
  • Heat insulating gloves
  • Rubbing alcohol

Let’s begin!

  1. Pour two teaspoons of cocoa powder and two teaspoons of coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl. For an added glow, sprinkle a little nutmeg. Blend the mixture well.
  2. Microwave the mixture for 15 seconds to melt the mixture. Always wear heat insulating gloves, as contents are hot.
  3. Wipe the compact clean rubbing alcohol and let it dry, then pour the mixture and fil 3/4 of the way.
  4. Refrigerate for 15 minutes or until it hardens.
  5. Remove from refrigerator. Then, rub with the foam applicator and gently blend the bronzer over the top of the forehead sides of the face, down the bridge of the nose and on the cheeks for a sun-kissed glow.

Important information:

  • Do not allow the bronzer to come into contact with your eyes. In case of eye contact, rinse eyes with water.
  • Always wash your hands before and after working with the bronzer.
  • Discontinue use if irritation or rash develops. Do not use on broken skin.
  • Use a damp clean rag and water to gently rub off the bronzer.
  • Colour transfer may occur. Keep bronzer away from fabric furniture and other surfaces.
  • For warmer environments, add more cocoa powder and less coconut oil to keep the bronzer from melting.
  • The bronzer is not intended for eating.
  • It is recommended to use the bronzer the same day it is made. Discard any remaining bronzer after use. Do not keep the bronzer for a long period of time.
  • Clean the compact with a damp cloth and air dry thoroughly before storing.
  • Rinse the foam applicator with water and mild soap Then, allow it to air dry thoroughly before storing.

These instructions have been lifted near-directly from the doll’s original manual. Please take care when attempting experiments and be sure to prepare your surroundings for any possible stains or mess.

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