Project Mc² McKeyla’s Electric Styling Head

BrandProject Mc²
Playset nameMcKeyla’s Electric Styling Head
Based on characterMcKeyla McAlister
Release dateJuly 2017
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price $34.99
  • Meet McKeyla McAlister, Project Mc2 leader! She’s a writer, hipster, undercover spy. When she’s not journaling, she’s probably reading a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novel, performing magic tricks, or trying to save the world.
  • McKeyla McAlister long torso styling head, hands with paintable nails, three pigment powders, shimmer base, mixing bowl, makeup brush, and hair brush
  • Create your own hair and makeup look for McKeyla and you!
  • Formulate wear-and-share makeup using both the provided items and ones from home (like lotion and petroleum jelly)
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Wanna learn how to use McKeyla’s Electric Styling Head? We’ve got all the details you need:

What you’ll need for this experiment:

  • Everything from the McKeyla’s Electric Styling Head set:
    • Styling head
    • Hairbrush
    • Makeup brush
    • Makeup base
    • Three powder pigments
    • Bowl
    • Spatula
  • x2 1.5V AA batteries

Before you begin, you’ll need to install the two AA batteries in the compartment located under the styling head.

Let’s begin!

  1. Brush the doll’s hair thoroughly to remove knots. Make sure there is enough clearance around the doll’s head to prevent interference from surrounding objects
  2. Turn the styling head ON. Press and hold the button on the styling head to make the doll’s hair rise!
  3. Brush the doll’s hair and style again.
  4. Use the spatula to gather a small amount of makeup base and scoop it into the bowl.
  5. Add a few dashes of pigment powder to the bowl and use the spatula to mix. You can even mix two colours to create your own colour!
  6. Apply the makeup to the doll’s eyes, face and arms, or apply it on yourself!
  7. You can even paint the doll’s nails with the makeup or with nail polish (not included).

Static hair tips:

  • Dry your hands before pressing the button for the static hair feature.
  • Do not wear gloves.
  • Results may vary for the static hair feature. Here are some tips:
    • Conductive surfaces such as metal or water will hinder the static hair feature. For best results, use on carpeted or wooden surfaces.
    • Static hair feature may be impacted by the environment and weather. Best results will occur in a dry environment. Humidity may hinder static hair results.
  • DO NOT apply the makeup to the doll’s hair as it may impact the static hair feature.
  • Do not wash the doll’s hair with the styling head switched on.

Important information:

  • For external use only.
  • Do not use cosmetics on broken skin.
  • These cosmetics are recommended for children ages 6 years and older.
  • Cosmetics are laboratory tested and safe for use as recommended.
  • Cosmetics are to be used on the doll and human body only. Do not apply to hair.
  • As with all cosmetics, some individual skin types may experience minor skin irritation. If this occurs, discontinue use.
  • In case of eye contact, rinse eyes with plenty of water.
  • Do not consume any of the makeup in this playset.
  • Do not leave makeup in the sun or in very hot areas.
  • Color transfer may occur. Keep makeup away from fabric, furniture and other surfaces.
  • Always replace the cap on the makeup base to keep it from drying out.
  • Always turn the unit OFF after use to conserve battery power.
  • Remove nail polish (not included) from the doll with nail polish remover. Repeated use of remover may damage the doll.
  • Remove makeup from the doll or yourself with a damp cloth. Keep water away from the doll’s hair and away from the battery compartment.
  • Wash brush thoroughly after each application.
  • If makeup pigment remains on the skin, remove with mild soap and water.
  • Makeup may not be completely removed from the doll.

These instructions have been lifted near-directly from the playset’s original manual.

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