Rainbow Surprise Blue Skye

This doll was originally released in surprise packaging alongside Amethyst Rae, and was later rereleased in clear packaging under the Rainbow High brand.
BrandRainbow Surprise
CharacterBlue Skye
Release year2019
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$54.99
Body5 points of articulation
Other doll in assortmentAmethyst Rae

Kids can make DIY slime fashions after unboxing more than 20 surprises, including a 14-inch fashion doll. Add slime to the doll’s transparent fashions for a whole new look. Kids can make DIY slime fashions after unboxing more than 20 surprises, including a 14-inch fashion doll. Add slime to the doll’s transparent fashions for a whole new look.

  • Collect all 4 Rainbow Surprise dolls.
  • Rainbow Surprise by Poopsie 14″ doll with 20+ surprises
  • Make D.I.Y. slime and add to doll’s transparent fashions for a one-of-a-kind look.
  • Each beautiful doll has stunning brushable hair, gorgeous fashions and accessories.
  • Includes doll, outfit, accessories, brush, bottle for mixing slime, 4 D.I.Y. slime powders, 2 Rainbow Magic, 3 shimmer powders, 1 glitter, and 1 highlighter.
Collect item (8)

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Hi, I’m Blue Skye™. and I love to be in the know. I keep track of all things #OTM and trending. My friends come to me for advice on what’s cool. I’m like a bubbly person, but I also wear my heart on my sleeve. I love to go-go-go all the time. so that’s why I love slime. Because it gives me a chance to just relax, ASMR-style.

Okay, that’s it. GTG!

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