Rainbow High RainbowVision Meline Luxe

CharacterMeline Luxe
BrandRainbow High
Retail Cost$40 USD
Release YearJuly, 2022
SeriesRainbowVision Rainbow Divas
Head SculptB2 Sculpt
Hair TypeNylon
Official ColourGold
Collect item (482)

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Meline Luxe

Meline was born a shining star, draped in gold from the moment she came out of her mama in Dallas, Texas. The maternity ward said they had never heard a baby cry with perfect pitch. Meline was singing before she was walking, and in pageants from age 4 on. After she won Star Search at age 8, her childhood was filled with performing at state fairs, at local radio stations and singing the national anthem at the rodeo -though she had to be carried out into the ring, as she refused to get her outfit dirty. Meline has been BFF’s with Ayesha since they both performed at the Texas State Fair in the third grade. The two met Sabrina in their first year Intro to Whistle Tones, and the three have been inseparable ever since. Mainly because Meline keeps them on a very tight schedule. Meline has been known to fire anyone who screws up her lighting cues. Rumor has it, there were a few Rainbow High first years she gave a chance, but after they screwed up her spotlight during a rehearsal, they were never seen again. Though Meline has always been a massive diva, she has an amazing relationship with her BFF, her mom. She calls her mom every day for advice-she’s the only person she trusts as much as the Rainbow Divas manager, Coco.

“It’s Ms. Luxe to you”

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