Originally released in 1996, the first Sakura Wars game follows Ichiro Ogami, a recent naval academy graduate, who gets assigned to act as captain of the Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division. He is at first shocked to find out that the group is made entirely of theater actresses, but quickly bonds and gains the trust of each member amidst a looming threat of demon attacks in Tokyo. The game was a surprise mega hit in Japan and spawned numerous adaptations, sequels, spin-offs, stage musicals, and merchandise. The game would later receive a remake in 2003 titled, Sakura Wars: In Hot Blood.
Listed in approximate chronological order of release.
NOTE: Some images in this section have been sourced to Mandarake and Suruga-ya. As a result, doll and image quality may vary page-to-page. If you would like to donate usage of higher quality images for any of the listed dolls, please feel free to contact the Dollect team.
Tsukuda Hobby Full Action Doll Series Yumi Katsura With Sakura 2000 Millenium Two-Pack (2000)
The following dolls are based on characters who debuted in the original Sakura Wars game but contain branding and outfit variations associated with Sakura Wars 2.