SEGA CharaDoll Selection

CharaDoll Selection was a line produced by SEGA from 1997-1999 based on characters from franchises either owned or licensed by the company. The line used the same body sculpt as SEGA’s earlier Magic Knight Rayearth solo line and was focused on creating basic releases of characters in their most iconic outfits. 1997 saw the release of three dolls based on the Sakura Wars franchise as well as one doll from Revolutionary Girl Utena. In 1998, three of the original Magic Knight Rayearth dolls were rereleased under the CharaDoll Selection label. 1999 saw the release of only one doll. The Corrector Yui doll lacked a proper release number or any of the line’s official markings, signaling the end of CharaDoll Selection. A total of eight dolls were released.

NOTE: Images in this section have been sourced to Mandarake and Suruga-ya. As a result, doll and image quality may vary page-to-page. If you would like to donate usage of higher quality images for any of the listed dolls, please feel free to contact the Dollect team.

Dolls by franchise

01 Sakura Shinguji

Collect item (6)

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02 Kohran Li

Collect item (3)

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04 Sumire Kanzaki

Collect item (3)

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03 Utena Tenjou

Collect item (24)

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The Magic Knight Rayearth dolls acted as rereleases of the characters’ 1994 basics which were originally produced for their own line, completely independent of CharaDoll Selection.

05 Hikaru Shidou

Collect item (11)

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06 Umi Ryuuzaki

Collect item (14)

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07 Fuu Hououji

Collect item (12)

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The Corrector Yui doll does not have an official release number or line label, but is largely considered to be part of CharaDoll Selection.

Corrector Yui

Collect item (16)

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User submitted content

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Official videos

Videos shown here are advertisements, company-created reviews and reviews by toy reviewing associations.

User submitted videos

Review videos of SEGA CharaDoll Selection dolls will be posted here. If you’d like your review featured please contact us if you’d like to request placement. We reserve the right for ANY reason to ignore or deny requests for placement on the site. As these videos are hosted off-site and are not created by Dollect, viewer discretion is advised. We are not responsible for the content of the videos.

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