Shadow High Ainsley Slater

CharacterAinsley Slater
BrandShadow High
Retail Cost$50 USD
Release YearMay, 2022
SeriesFashion Trunk Show
Head SculptClassic Sculpt
Hair TypeNylon
Official ColourBlack, White and Iridescent
FocusAccessory Design and Fashion Design
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Ainsley Slater

Ainsley came to Rainbow High as an Accessories focus with obsessive workmanship, flawless style and an annotated rule book. She quickly became best friends with fellow over-achievers Avery and Aidan, who appreciate her high energy and perfect ponytail. Their friendship became the stuff of legends as they support and inspire each other to be the best ‘A’ they can be. Back home in San Francisco, her parents both work as surgeons. They hold Ainsley to very high expectations, since she is following her passion in the arts, and they think she needs to be the best of the best. They always compare her to her older sister, Audrey, who’s going into medicine and has it all together. Ainsley will do anything to make her family proud—but becoming a Prefect and adding on a second focus doesn’t seem like it’s enough. She might have to try something drastic.

“The only thing higher than my standards is my ponytail.”

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