Sindy Kid Kreations 2021 Riding Club

CompanyKid Kreations
Series2021 Sindy Play
Release dateOctober 2021
Retail price£35 (2021)
£40 (from 2022)
Body14 points of articulation
Height10¾” / 27cm
QuoteInspire others
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Official Descriptions

Hi! I’m Riding Club Sindy! I love nothing more than being outdoors riding my pony through the fields. Come rain or shine, I’m at the stable early to get my pony ready for the day. It’s lots of hard work but riding is my world!

Riding Club Sindy is the perfect playset for any equestrian loving little one. She wears a blue tee and gilet with grey jodhpurs and blue riding boots. She has curly red hair which is tied back under her blue riding hat.

Riding Club Sindy also comes with Sindy’s pony, reins, bridle and saddle, and a blue brush for keeping his mane looking its best.

Sindy loves getting crafty and encouraging creativity so for even more fun after opening, you can turn Riding Club Sindy’s box into your very own stable.

Using the crafting card insert you can make jumps to help Sindy practise her showjumping and craft fences to make your own paddock.

Designed to give the most play value as possible, the fun never ends with Sindy.


Hi! I’m Riding Club Sindy! I love nothing more than being outdoors riding my pony through the fields. Come rain or shine, I’m at the stable early to get my pony ready for the day. It’s lots of hard work but riding is my world! Turn Riding Club Sindy’s box into your very own Sindy stable for even more fun and play value after opening. Use the crafting card inserts to make jumps to help Sindy practise her showjumping and craft fences to make your own paddock.

Set also includes Sindy’s pony, reins, bridle and saddle, and a blue brush for keeping his mane looking its best.

Riding Club Sindy wears a blue tee and gilet with grey jodhpurs and blue riding boots. She has curly red hair which is tied back under her blue riding hat.

Riding Club Sindy is the perfect playset for any equestrian loving little one.

Sindy is designed so that she gives the most play value as possible from everything you receive in her box.

Sindy promotes arts and crafts, hand eye coordination and creativity for children. Small Sindy-sized magazine is also included with games and puzzles inside.

  • For ages 3 years and over.
  • 1 year manufacturer’s guarantee.
  • EAN: 4897055944122.


  • Not suitable for children under 3 years old.
  • Only for domestic use.
  • To be used under the direct supervision of an adult.


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