Sugar Surprise Cindy

Introducing Cindy, the ultimate fashion superstar with a flair for style! She’s a true fashionista who loves exploring different outfits and experimenting with unique styles. If you ever need fashion advice for a special occasion or a casual day out, Cindy is the go-to girl. When Cindy takes a break from designing her fabulous wardrobe, she enjoys flipping through fashion magazines and watching exciting fashion shows. It’s a way for her to stay inspired and keep up with the ever-evolving trends. Join Cindy on her fashionable adventures as she brings creativity and beauty to everyone she meets.

BrandSugar Surprise
Release dateAugust 17, 2023 (Amazon)
Retail price $14.99 (US)
Body5 points of articulation
Hair TypeUnknown
Collect item (4)

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