Sugar Surprise Pepper

Pepper is super tech-savvy and loves to code and program. Whenever her friends encounter a computer problem, they know they can count on Pepper’s expertise. Her big dream is to create a special program that will make coding fun and easy for kids, so they can enjoy it just as much as she does! But Pepper’s interests don’t stop at computers. When she takes a break from coding, she enjoys reading science fiction and playing video games. If you ever need assistance with anything computer-related, Pepper is the go-to girl for the job. She’s a true all-around tech enthusiast!

BrandSugar Surprise
Release dateAugust 17, 2023 (Amazon)
Retail price $14.99 (US)
Body5 points of articulation
Hair TypeUnknown
Collect item (3)

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This doll was chosen as Dollect’s Doll of the Day on

September 20th, 2024

Click here to view all previous Dolls of the Day!

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