Teen Trends Wave 1 Deondra

BrandTeen Trends
Release year2005
Retail price $29.99
HairTo be confirmed
Body9 points of articulation, strung limbs

The Teen Trends™ dolls are the “it girls” for fashion, hair and style. Each beautiful fashion doll has a different “personality” and look, just like real girls. These posable 17-inch dolls have their very own hair play features and doll carry cases. Deondra™ is beyond bling and loves dancing and hip hop music. Deondra™ doll is dressed in a glam boho outfit with lots of fancy golden details. She comes with lots of sassy hair accessories and a highlighted hair extension for lots of styling options. Deondra™ doll also comes with a personalized Style Profile™ showcasing her funky clothes and hairstyles. The Style Profile™ also includes a sheet of fashion decals that girls can use to decorate Deondra™ doll’s clothing. Deondra™ comes in a fun reusable “walk in” closet carrying case. Girls will love these dolls because they’re “just like them”!

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