The Zelfs Design Your Zelf

BrandThe Zelfs
CharacterDesign Your Zelf
SizeSpecial Size (roughly 7 inches sans hair)
Release yearend of 2013
CompanyMoose Toys
Retail price$19.99
Body5 points of articulation

Get creative Zelfies with the all new deco-tastic Design Your Zelf. Use the super cute deco prints and colorful markers to bring your style to life with a super Zelf you personalize. Your Design. Your Zelf! Wanna Polka-dot Zelf? Pink-striped rainbow chic? Give your zelf some bangs… or fangs! It’s your supersized Zelf to design anyway you like! Then name your zelf and create your own profile!

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Design Your Zelf’s Bio:

TaglineLet’s Get Crafty!
FabitatYou decide!
BirthdayYou decide!

Artwork credited to ZelfLuv from the Zelfs Wiki

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