Truly Me Dolls


In 1995, American Girl (then called Pleasant Company) introduced the “American Girl of Today” line, which was the first departure from the focus on historical characters. With this line, kids were encouraged to acknowledge themselves as an important part of the modern world, in the same way that the Historical Characters showed young girls as an important part of history.

The line has gone through a few name changes over the years. It began as “American Girl of Today”, was renamed to “Just Like You” in 2006, was renamed to “My American Girl” in 2010, and was finally renamed to “Truly Me” in 2015. We will be using the name Truly Me (or TM for short) on dollect, but the other names are also still in use by fans.

All modern clothing, furniture, pets, and accessories that are not associated with a specific character are considered by fans to be part of the Truly Me line, so this category is quite large.


TM #1
TM #2
TM #3
TM #4
TM #5
TM #6
TM #7
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TM #1

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