Unicorn Academy

Unicorn Academy is a multimedia franchise that began as a book series by authors Julie Sykes and Linda Chapman. The toy line was created by Spin Master, a Canadian company. The Unicorn Academy toy line is based on an animated television series of the same name created by Spin Master and Mainframe Studios.


Unicorn Academy’s first wave of dolls was released in summer of 2024. Dolls started to appear on shelves in the United States in late May and appeared in many other countries a few weeks prior. Three human characters were included for the launch of the brand as well as three unicorns.
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Sophia's Unicorn, Wildstar *Note that the Wildstar toy is different from the other Unicorns in this series: “Interactive Rainbow Light-up”
Ava's Unicorn, Leaf
Isabel's Unicorn River
Masquerade Ball is a line of dolls released in Summer of 2024. It is available from a limited amount of retailers and as of writing (June 15, 2024) contains one character: Sophia.
Masquerade Sophia
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