Vi and Va Deluxe Activity Fashion Designer Viviana

BrandVi and Va
ActivityFashion design
Release dateJanuary 2015
CompanyMGA Entertainment
Retail price$19.99
Body5 points of articulation
Hair typePolypropylene

Vi loves creating art, even if it’s on her own clothes! Help Vi create a wearable masterpiece with an outfit you can design over and over again! Color it with a marker and stamp roller, or add stylish stickers. Now you can become Vi’s fashion designer! It’s so easy!

You can decorate Vi’s white tunic with 2 easy-to-use stamp rollers and an inkpad. Use the marker and stickers to add extra festive fun to her outfit! It’s so easy to do again and again if you just wash with soap and warm water to remove the design to start all over! Includes 10+ pieces

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