Day Out/Boodget Draculaura vs Signature Draculaura General Comparison
Day Out/Boodget Draculaura (left) next to Signature Draculaura (right).
Day Out/Boodget Draculaura accessories:
A pink coffin shaped purse with a black heart with batwings in the center, a bottle of SPF 500, and a carton of strawberry milk.
Signature Draculaura accessories:
A pink heart shaped bookbag with black bat wings, a yellow bottle of SPF 500, a pretzel with eyeballs and bat wings in a pink holder, a red cup with a straw and melting cherries on the front, her pet Count Fabulous, a pink iCoffin, and black bat wing shaped sunglasses. (Not pictured is a black cloak)
I want to start making more blog posts on here, let me know if you’d like a more in depth comparison of the two dolls.