Last weekend, I got to work as a volunteer for NYC Dollcon! I was really nervous since I’m very new to the BJD world and have only owned blind box and one 1/12 scale BJDs so far. Part of the reason why I was volunteering was because I wanted to feel the place out and see if the space was for me. I ended up having a ton of fun, and I’m excited to try going to local meetups in the future! (Huge thanks to the staff for letting me on the team. Everyone was really nice. (ಥ◡ಥ) )
But anyways! The main reason I wanted to write this post was to show off the new friend I won during the raffle. I was over the moon when they called me up. I was expecting to only win one of the lower tier prizes at best. I’m a small time freelance artist for a living, so I always have to stay conscious about my spending. Being able to own a pricey resin doll from a big well known studio was kind of a long term goal for me. So imagine how shocked I was when this dumb newbie just had one plopped right on to my lap.

He is a Happy doll from Dream Valley! Dream Valley mosly does humanoid dolls, but I’ve personally always loved the fun creatures they do on the side. (You guys should check out their dragons!) This guy really caught my eye since I’m into goth shit and all, lol. It’s very on-the-nose, but I’ve named him Candy. (He was donated to the raffle by Denver Doll Emporium by the way.)

Overall, he is so adorable and so very weird!! That’s the main reason I started exploring BJDs more. Fashion dolls are great and beautiful, but you don’t get any true weirdos like this guy unless you really seek them out. My only real complaints are the lack of wrist artulation and the way he stands. He’s actually very sturdy and can stand on his own very easily, but the way his feet are shaped makes it hard to keep his toes firmly planted, and it looks a bit awkward because of it. I’m sure that’s easy to work around for most photo settings, but he’s probably gonna stay sitting when I have him out for display.
But anyways, I love him. He’s my new child. Even though, I already own other BJDs, he feels like my first real formal welcome into the community, so he’s very special to me. <3

Bonus family photo pic of my other BJD creatures!
This little guy has such a whimsical endearing look! Love Candy! Glad you had a good experience at the con