I did this last month but I didn’t have time to post about it until now! I was not happy with my shelf at the start, I had been placing new dolls onto the shelf randomly instead finding a spot for them. I don’t like to display dolls sitting down unless they have knee joints but I just kept shoving them in. I also wanted to switch out some of the Fashionistas on the middle shelf.

My doll storage was not doing so hot either. 3 boxes with absolutely no order to which dolls were where made it pretty stressful when looking for a specific one.

I started by taking the dolls from the shelf I didn’t want on it, then took out all of the dolls from storage. (Ignoring the two girls waiting for glue seepage treatment) Just put into quick piles for each brand. The Disney Encanto by Jakks Pacific, Naturalistas, Latinistas, and Disney ILYs piles are all pretty small. Barbie I separated further by lines, Fashionistas; the biggest pile, Barbie Loves the Ocean, Totally Hair 2022 reboot, and the couple random playline dolls that are not line specific.

The Fashionistas pile was so tall.

I then sorted them all laying down so I could see everyone’s faces. I put the Barbies in the order of release. I spent well over 30 minutes looking at them trying to decide which were going on the shelf.

I decided on putting up these 10 Barbies, nine Fashionistas and the 65th budget anniversary Barbie.

Everyone else was put in the bins but not randomly this time! The green bin is just for doll lines that are not Barbie. The blue and purple are both Barbie split down the middle between release times. Well… mostly. One day I’ll be able to get them proper storage containers so their hair doesn’t get so messed up.

My newly organized shelf! I am very happy with it, but knowing me it wont last long. 😂

I love seeing the different ways people store and organize their dolls! Thanks for sharing.