Hello Dollect friends 😊 I had something very special happen to my collection recently. I got an email from Pullip Style with a discount code, and a notice that some new dolls had been added to the price drops section. Who doesn’t love window shopping, so I went to look and there she was. *The* Pullip I have been wanting since she released in 2021, dropped down in price. I think you know where this is going…
(This post is a bit long and includes several pictures! Maybe grab a cup of tea?)
Before I share her, I wanted to talk about my little personal history with Pullips. I got my first Groove doll in 2012 on Facebook in a local anime convention group. We were talking about anime inspired dolls and Pullip came up; when I expressed interest in one a member offered to sell me her Xiao Fan. I picked her up that same day. She came with everything but her collectors card. I named her Victoria and had a lot of fun building a diorama for her and buying cute clothes off Etsy. Victoria even lead me to discovering my first grail doll, a Taeyang Sol. I was offered one for purchase a few years ago but had to pass due to insufficient hobby funds. I’m still interested in him, but the second hand prices are a little too much for what I like to spend on dolls. Maybe one day!

Eventually I had to sell Victoria to fuel a new doll purchase. The girl I sold her to ended up becoming a close friend and we formed a local collectors group for dolls with another enthusiast/friend. Those were fun times! I miss those days and those friends. I’ve never been able to recapture the magic of those doll meetups. When I moved away, we lost touch, and I fell out of collecting for a few years. While being stuck inside during the Plague Year I ended up rediscovering Pullips which sent me down the rabbit hole again. I came out in the end with a Romantic Alice Monochrome.

Early 2021 I picked up a Dilettante then took a break. There were many releases I wanted, but Pullip fans will attest that these dolls are not cheap. Being Canadian adds an extra hurt to my wallet as our exchange rate & shipping is terrible. But there was one doll you see, one very special doll I hadn’t been able to get out of my mind since seeing her. And now she is here! I’m so glad my patience paid off!

Mike over at Pullip Style always does a phenomenal job packaging. The box arrived safely in perfect condition. Can you tell which Pullip I purchased?

It’s Merori! She’s a collab between Pullip and Travas Tokyo. The brand collaboration means nothing to me lol, I just think she’s a stunning doll with a cute wardrobe. There are two versions of this doll. The original purple one I purchased and a blue version.

A shot of the other outfits she comes with. I like her default look with the dress & apron best. Her backpack is SUPER cute!
Pullip boxes are absolutely gorgeous. Everything about this box hits my aesthetic.
Here she is, almost free from her plastic cage. As you can see she comes with her jacket, accessories, a stand, and a collectors card. Loving the purple cutout, I’m sad that it is going to be destroyed trying to get Merori out. The glue is too darn strong to simply pull out the packages cleanly.
Here’s the goods unboxed. Her hair bows are little clips and her backpack has a functional zipper with straps. The coat is VERY soft!
She’s free!

I love her painted nails, we can match! 🙂

Now this, this is a bit of a disappointment. Her wig is not the best, I can see the stitching on the top quite clearly. I’m hoping her hair clips can hide it.

Here she is a little more dressed up. Despite her wig issue I love her, she’s everything I want in a doll. Beautiful outfits, lovely wavy hair, and enchanting eyes. The purple/black colour scheme is *chefs kiss*! Speaking of her eyes…

Her eyechips have little purple bears in them. Too precious! If this is your first time seeing a Pullip, yes, she is winking! You can move their eyes and close them with a mechanism on the back of the head. Merori has a very sweet and light face-up that really suits her soft appearance.
And that’s it, my newest doll purchase & coveted find. Truth be told I didn’t think I would ever get this doll so I am very happy. My shelf needs some rearranging to fit her, but I don’t regret adding her to my collection one bit. I’m really pleased to own her!
Thank you for reading! I hope you have a great day ⊹₊ ⋆✿
I love her color scheme! Thanks for sharing
Is it very difficult to get ahold of a doll from this brand?
It’s gorgeous!!!