G’day! I go by Bahroo online with my collector related accounts. Before seriously collecting dolls, I was into collecting anime figures. If you want to see my anime figure collection I have an MFC account! I’ve cooled on this hobby because it is unfortunately quite expensive and I currently don’t have the income to support it.

I recently decided to collect Barbie. She was a big part of my childhood, and she’s been my gateway into adult doll collecting. Aside from my childhood Barbies, I currently have a handful of Barbies, some Monster High dolls, a few OMG LOL (plus tweens!) and one Shadow High. I expect I’ll have to edit this description eventually to give a more accurate summary. But that’s the way it is currently!

I also want to collect more plushies, but I need to buy a toy net to store them in...

Aside from dolls and anime figures, I am also into art and gaming. I like to doodle silly stuff and play cute silly games. My MFC profile lists some of my favourite games, if you’re interested.

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