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    leo wrote a new post

    perplexing hair situation UPDATE

    Earlier this month i posted a blog post on here about attempting to fix a giochi preziosi doll with extremely messed up hair, and several kind users suggested straightening her hair since boil washes weren't helping much, so i...

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    • Wow, what a difference! I’m so glad the straightener method worked. You did a great job and she looks amazing!

      • Thank you so much! It was really nerve wracking to test it out at first, i was really scared it would melt, but I’m glad i gave it a chance!

    • Thank you so much!!

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    leo wrote a new post

    Who wore it better

    I currently have a naked, headless pureneemo xs boy body lying around because i'm waiting for the rest of his body parts and clothes to come in the mail for a project, and the only doll i currently have...

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    • That outfit is adorable and looks lovely on both of them! As a side note, I love the face paint on that Giochi Preziosi doll!

      • I really like her too, the face style is so unique and charming to me even if it’s pretty different from more modern dolls ^_^

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    leo wrote a new post

    perplexing hair situation

    I recently got my hands on this doll that i really wanted (she's a giochi preziosi doll from 2006 of a side character from winx- kalia, one of the mermaids from andros). She came in really miserable condition and...

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    • Unfortunately I can’t help you much with identifying the hair type (hopefully someone else out there can!), but since it’s already pretty fried already I think what I would do in your situation is test how it responds to a straightener. You can use a very small strand from the back of the head where it won’t be visible in case it goes badly. Make sure the hair is damp and well-coated with conditioner or some other heat protectant. Worst case scenario is that there isn’t much to be done for her and you’ll have to either live with the frizz or give her a reroot. Good luck!

      • Thanks a lot for the advice!! I’m trying to work up the courage to straighten her hair as soon as i have the time to really sit down and do it, praying it goes ok

    • I wonder if maybe letting her hair sit overnight slathered in conditioner might help with the frizzy ends?
      Some people have also had great luck with leaving hair in fabric softener, but I prefer to use conditioner myself, it being made for human hair and all.
      It might be worth a try, and then you can always test one or two strands with a hair straightener on the lowest setting. Good luck, she’s very pretty! 🥰

      • Thank you so much for the suggestion! I’ll probably try this before going in with the hair straightener, hopefully her hair situation can improve a bit ^_^

        • Fingers are crossed for you! I’ve had great success with conditioner but every doll is different. Let us know how it went 😍

    • This type of damage unfortunately requires heat to fix… have you done anything with boiling water yet? I haven’t tried on my giochi dolls… yet…
      I /think/ it’s acetate or early crappy nylon… Leaning towards nylon since poly wasn’t widely used at this point to my knowledge and nylon was pretty terrible originally

      • Yeah i tried boil washing her and it did improve her overall condition a little bit or at least it helped untangle the nasty massive hair mat that her hair used to be, I’ll probably boil her again soon though, if it doesn’t do anything i guess I will really have to go in with the straightener and just see how it goes. W.i.t.c.h. dolls by giochi preziosi seem to have a better quality hair overall, i boil washed a hay lin doll and she was good as new afterwards, i don’t get why they gave the crustiest hair type to the one doll with extremely long hair :’)

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