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Fakies/Bootleg Enthusiasts
Florin Alexander replied to the topic introduce yourself ! ✧˖°. in the forum
Australian & New Zealand Doll Collectors in the group Australian & New Zealand Doll Collectors
G’day. I’m Misterioso/Florin Alexander and I’m a true blue Sydneysider. I collect so many dolls, all gens of MH, Ever After High, RH/SH, LOL OMG/Tweens, Pinkie Cooper, Bratzillaz, Novi Stars, Once Upon a Zombie, Zelfs and I have recently gotten into some Barbies. If I were to say that I have a favorite doll, it would either be Gloom & Bloom Cleo,…Read More
Florin Alexander joined the group
Australian & New Zealand Doll Collectors
Florin Alexander changed their profile picture
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