peggy portals posted in the group Content Creators
Hi! I just wanted to share my new youtube channel where I’m posting custom doll videos along with other fun crafts!
peggy portals joined the group Content Creators
peggy portals started the topic Black & White hair reroot progress update in the forum Strawberry Shortcake Bandai
Hi there!
My name is a Peggy and I am really excited to have somewhere to share the progress of my first rerooting project. I am recently come back to dolls bc of xcanadensis’s videos and was so happy to learn about this great new resource
I’m just sharing a screenshot of my freeform page – I’m rerooting this bandai strawberry with black and…Read More
peggy portals posted in the group Strawberry Shortcake Bandai
Hey does anyone know if the forum is working here yet? I tried to share my first post…
peggy portals joined the group Strawberry Shortcake Bandai
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