Frobert Carpenter

Hi, I'm Frobert. You can also call me Frog or Jewel. I am 22 years old and my pronouns are e/they/he. I'm been collecting dolls since I was a kid. My first active collecting period was from 2012-2014, but I also got gifted/handed down some dolls before then. Also, a good portion of my collection was my twin sister's before she lost interest in dolls. I didn't actively collect any dolls from 2015-2020, since I thought I was too old for them. I like and own dolls from a lot of different doll brands, but primarily play line fashion dolls and some porcelain dolls.
Here are links to my doll related checklists and wishlists that I made on other sites:

MH Merch
MLP Merch
The Toy Pool

The "My Collection" bookmark on my profile is not a complete list of dolls I own since 1) most of the dolls I have aren't on this site (yet) & 2) some of my checklists are on the previously mentioned sites.

Right now I'm on a semi-hiatus from collecting dolls since I plan to get rid of some of the ones I already have. I also need to de-glue some of my old Mattel dolls, mend doll clothes, restyle hair, and add paint details.

However, I still enjoy learning about different doll brands/lines and appreciating the fashion they wear.
Getting back into dolls also lead me to gain more of an interest in fashion history. Both on dolls and real people.


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