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Rose changed their profile picture
Rose wrote a new post
2 CommentsRose wrote a new post
4 CommentsI adore your dolls and backgrounds so much! I’d love to know how you did zooey’s facial piercings! I’ve been looking for a good method that looks realistic and yours is how I would want mine to look!
Ahh, thank you! The backgrounds are: my bedroom wall, an insert from some OMG packaging, a black scarf, and some random part of a cruise ship.
As to the piercings, I followed Of Crafts and Curios tutorial on youtube, the video name is “Let’s Pierce Some Dolls”. My Zooey has a variety of things going on on her face: I glued tiny rhinestones on her forehead, in the factory-painted dots; eye pins (used in jewelry making) for her extra ear piercings; and dress pins for her nose. Dress pins have smaller heads than standard sewing pins, i’ve found.
The video goes into more depth, but basically you use needlenose pliers to push a sharp pin into the face (the eye pins have blunt ends), and then put in the piercing! If you look back through my posts here, there’s one where I gave Lagoona a lip piercing using this same method.
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Nice combos!