
I’ve always loved dolls. I lost my childhood collection to an impromptu garage sale while away at college. I still mourn the loss to this day. Months before my own little girl was born, I began busily sewing the entire Daisy Kingdom collection for her nursery. I added the Daisy and Pansy Dolls just after she was born. As she grew, her little baby nursery transitioned into a little girl’s room with American Girl dolls, which she continues to collect to this day. At 12, her Monster High dolls filled her room. At 16, delicate BJDs with intricate attire captivated and inspired her. My own desire to collect once again sparked when my daughter left her childhood home, taking her dolls along with her onto her next adventure. Although I had never lost my love of dolls, this time around there was also the added motivation of adding little reminders around the home of a time when my now grown daughter was still a little girl.

I began with Rainbow High, adding Shadow High as they came out. After completing the Rainbow Line, I then completed the Mermaze Mermaidz collection. I am keeping a hopeful and watchful eye out for the Mermaze Mermaidz Slumber line. Fingers Crossed!!! Until then, I have turned my attention now to the L.O.L. OMG Surprise dolls. Aside from two of the Lounge Kittie Barbie’s, and the Scarily Ever After Monster High collection, that is the entirety of my acquisitions, to date. I am super excited about the Monster High Freak Du Chic Circus line, and look forward to gracing my shelves with them, along with countless others in this, a truly, Golden Age of Dolls.

I know many of you already from your YouTube, Insta, and TikTok channels, and am grateful for this community.

I would like to give a very special warm THANK YOU to Brooke, and to everyone else involved, for gifting and making this community possible.

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